Charlie's Blog

Quills & Fyrecon 2020

Monday, August 17, 2020 10:35 PM

     Quills was awesome! I must admit, I like the virtual presentations. I can watch them all month. And I did enjoy the live workshops from my computer at home. I was able to attend six of them over the course of four days. I even had the great privilege of chatting on zoom with a friend of mine, Linda D. Addison. She was a guest at Quills and is a Stoker Award winning writer and poet. If you haven't read her poetry, you should!

     Speaking of poetry, three of my poems won awards at this year's LUW Writing Contest. 

"Daydreaming" came in third place and "Cereal Killer" came in second in the category of Poetry, Light Verse and "Sleeping Alone: The Wife Left Behind: came in second in the category of Poetry, Love and Loss. I am honored and excited that my poetry did so well. There are so many amazing writers in the League. They're a great group.

     Fyrecon ( is a local writing conference that is also virtual. There's a Fyrelite on October 3 where you can take a Master Class from some amazing professionals. And, since it's virtual, you can attend from anywhere in the world. The regular conference is November 12-14, 2020. Fyrecon is definitely worth a look!